Twin Estrangement Has Many Faces

Twin estrangement that grows out of unresolved anger, disappointment, and resentment is very emotionally complicated and confusing. Obviously, there are many distinct and intensely sad and forlorn faces of twins who are estranged. I know of this particular kind of pain because I have dealt with being estranged and then connected and then disconnected from …

How to Nurture Emotional Health & Happiness in Twins

Raising twins is certainly a huge challenge for their parents, grandparents, and caregivers. The deep closeness that twins share is life-sustaining for each twin’s psychological development. The twin bond can confuse parents because what underlies the closeness, feelings, and comfort is imperceptible to outsiders. I wrote in detail about the depth of the twin bond …

The Truth About Twins

Popular culture most often portrays twins as having deep and loving relationships with one another. Secondarily, twinship is used to illustrate good and evil or opposite images. Only recently have novels and memoirs been written that explain the pain and animosity that twins can share and are forced to tolerate in each other. Twinship is …

You Are Not Your Twin

Many phone calls and e-mails from twins and their parents are about separation issues that are particular to twins. For their children, parents ask, “When is the best time to separate my children?” And, “What is the best way to develop my children’s individuality?” Obviously, there are no pat answers to these questions. In adulthood, …

The No-Share Zone Is Critical in Twin Relationships

Fighting is a serious issue for young twins, parents of twins, and adult twins. Twin fighting is a style of interaction and a part of identity development that grows out of the twin bond and lives on and on as small children develop into adults. Competition is one acceptable and understandable form of fighting. Twins …

The Legacy of Twinship

Twins have a really strong attachment to one another. As children they rely on each other at home, in school and with new friends. Sometimes twins are extremely close and value one another. As twins take their own life paths they can miss one another terribly or fight endlessly with each other about their individual …

Why Do I Miss My Twin?

I have never met a twin who didn’t ask themselves or anyone who would listen: “When will I get over missing my twin?” So, most simply and basically stated, here is my answer. Most likely never! Although in time you can understand your longings, which will definitely help you to expand your world. The attachment …